SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 5

ClearOS Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0007891ClearCenterapp-dynamic-dns - Dynamic DNSpublic2016-03-30 06:522016-03-30 08:13
Assigned Tobchambers 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version7.2.0 Updates 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0007891: Wrong IP may update on MultiWAN
DescriptionIf a multiWAN system with a preference selected for a particular interface is assigned private IP's, Dynamic DNS ip referrer may use any route to fetch the address, and not end up using the preferred interface.

A proposed fix would be to modify the following files:


public function request($action, $postfields = "")


public function request($action, $postfields = "", $bind = NULL)

add to "Set main curl options" section:

if ($bind != NULL)
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $bind);


Line 229

$ip = $ip_referrer->get();


$ip = $ip_referrer->get($ip);


public function get()
        $payload = $this->request('getip', NULL);

        return $payload;


public function get($bind_ip)
        $payload = $this->request('getip', NULL, $bind_ip);

        return $payload;
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-  Notes
2016-03-30 08:13

Note: IP referrer lookups are not supported in Multi-WAN. Syswatch doesn't track IP referrers in MultiWAN, so it will never detect a changed IP. In syswatch:

    if ($numwans >= 2) {
        $config{is_multiwan} = $STATE_ENABLED;
        $config{use_get_ip} = $STATE_DISABLED;
        LogMsg("info", "config", "IP referrer disabled in multi-WAN\n");

Keep in mind, Dynamic DNS updates still happen on boot and manually.

If we want to add support for IP referrers in MultiWAN mode, this policy would need to change. I can't think of a good reason why this policy was put in place (?) ... but it's definitely intentional.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-03-30 06:52 bchambers New Issue
2016-03-30 06:52 bchambers Status new => assigned
2016-03-30 06:52 bchambers Assigned To => bchambers
2016-03-30 06:57 bchambers Description Updated View Revisions
2016-03-30 08:13 user2 Note Added: 0002961

SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 7