SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 5

ClearOS Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0007291ClearOSsquidpublic2016-02-09 11:002019-05-20 05:03
Assigned To 
PlatformClearOS7OSOS Version7.1 Professional
Product Version7.1.0 RC1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0007291: No sanity check on whitelists
Description) In ClearOS 6.x, if a person added to a white or black list, they couldn't also add without getting an error. Now, squid simply fails to start forcing the network engineer to go to command line.
Steps To ReproduceEnter a domain as a whitelist in dansguardian, then add and restart squid. THis can be done through the Web Interface, not at command line.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Squid_Error_Journalctl.png [^] (14,149 bytes) 2016-02-09 11:00

- Relationships
duplicate of 0017721closed Whitelist overlap causes bungled file. 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-02-09 11:00 linuxgeeked New Issue
2016-02-09 11:00 linuxgeeked File Added: Squid_Error_Journalctl.png
2016-02-25 09:00 user2 Status new => acknowledged
2019-05-20 05:03 NickH Relationship added duplicate of 0017721
2019-05-20 05:03 NickH Status acknowledged => closed
2019-05-20 05:03 NickH Resolution open => duplicate

SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 7