SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 5

ClearOS Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0017621ClearOSapp-registration - System Registrationpublic2017-10-24 14:282019-02-23 19:23
Assigned Totracker 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version8.0.0 Beta 1Fixed in Version 
Summary0017621: Provide a non-yum mechanism for updating app-registration
DescriptionTo keep things sane, the "clearos-updates" repo should be disabled by default on a new install. We still need the ability to update app-registration "on-the-fly" in order to futureproof for changes on the client side, e.g. monthly billing, special vendor tags, etc. However, this update mechanism should be done in a non-yum way.

TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
dloper (administrator)
2019-02-23 19:23

Migrated to: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-10-24 14:28 user2 New Issue
2017-10-24 14:29 user2 Assigned To => user2
2017-10-24 14:29 user2 Status new => confirmed
2018-04-11 10:12 user2 Target Version 7.5.0 => 7.6.0
2018-10-30 17:58 user2 Target Version 7.6.0 => 8.0.0 Beta 1
2018-12-14 12:10 user2 Status confirmed => assigned
2018-12-14 12:10 user2 Assigned To user2 => tracker
2019-02-23 19:23 dloper Note Added: 0009861
2019-02-23 19:23 dloper Status assigned => closed
2019-02-23 19:23 dloper Resolution open => suspended

SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 7