ClearOS Bug Tracker

ClearOS - Change Log

ClearOS - 6.3.0 Updates

- 0000721: [app-mysql - MySQL Database] Webconfig requires a reload when the webconfig-php-mysql dependency is installed (user2) - closed.
- 0000971: [app-base - Base System] Make sure webconfig does not get restarted when yum is running (user2) - closed.
- 0001019: [app-zarafa-community - Zarafa] Add Zarafa testing repositories (user2) - closed.
- 0000962: [app-system-database - System Database] Migrate database rebuild/reset script from version 5.x (user2) - closed.
- 0000955: [app-configuration-backup - Configuration Backup] Config backups downloaded via UI are corrupt (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000952: [app-system-database - System Database] Table purge fails with "The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size" (user2) - closed.
- 0000804: [app-port-forwarding - Port Forwarding] Cannot enable port range forward after disable - closed.
- 0000732: [app-base - Base System] Daemon class and widget should provide "dead but pid file exists" status (dsokoloski) - closed.
- 0000028: [app-log-viewer - Log Viewer] Character encoding on flash chart reports (user2) - closed.
- 0000943: [app-smtp - SMTP Server] Add localhost to searchdomains (user2) - closed.
- 0000926: [app-smtp - SMTP Server] Mail forward domains should not be added to searchdomains list for zarafa-alias lookup (user2) - closed.
- 0000918: [app-clearcenter - ClearCenter Core] Update window is too small which may lead to missing update report (user2) - closed.
- 0000895: [app-dashboard - Dashboard] Migrate dashboard widgets to system report (user2) - closed.
- 0000896: [app-software-updates - Software Updates] Migrate software activity widget from dashboard (user2) - closed.
- 0000897: [app-system-report - System Report] Migrate dashboard widgets to system report (user2) - closed.
- 0000920: [app-incoming-firewall - Incoming Firewall] Block rule does not handle network notation - closed.
- 0000908: [app-base - Base System] Some daemon services report 'dead' even though they are running (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000857: [system-mysql] Updates to system-mysql-libs overwrites custom changes to my.cnf (user2) - closed.
- 0000855: [app-account-import - Account Import] Account import fails to recognize valid csv file on Windows (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000803: [app-multiwan - Multi-WAN] The extra firewall and routing rules do not allow network notation (user2) - closed.
- 0000794: [app-intrusion-prevention - Intrusion Prevention] Whitelisting an IP on IPS list via webconfig requires manual firewall restart (user2) - closed.
- 0000784: [app-content-filter - Content Filter] The site list validator is not allowing full URLs (user2) - closed.
- 0000153: [app-content-filter - Content Filter] Web site exceptions does not allow ? and & in URL (user2) - closed.
- 0000786: [app-network - Network Settings] Remove IPv6 reference in /etc/hosts (user2) - closed.
- 0000743: [app-web-proxy - Web Proxy] Re-add web proxy bypass feature (user2) - closed.
- 0000785: [app-smtp - SMTP Server] Remove IPv6 reference in mynetworks configuration (user2) - closed.
- 0000787: [app-mail-notification - Mail Notification] Ensure IPv6 changes to Postfix are applied (user2) - closed.
- 0000778: [app-smtp - SMTP Server] Adding an IP address in hostname field creates all sorts of problems (user2) - closed.
- 0000763: [app-dhcp - DHCP Server] DHCP static lease detection is invalid (user2) - closed.
- 0000761: [app-network - Network Settings] The API call to return external interfaces should scrub certain types of interfaces (1-to-1 NAT, PPPoE slaves) (user2) - closed.
- 0000754: [app-system-database - System Database] Move system database dependencies from app-system-database (user2) - closed.
- 0000753: [app-reports - Report Engine] Move system database dependencies to app-system-database (user2) - closed.
- 0000766: [theme-default] Help widget has alignment issues in some browsers for external links (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000741: [app-devel - Developer Tools] Add translator tool (user2) - closed.
- 0000758: [app-content-filter - Content Filter] Web proxy is not started when content filter is started (user2) - closed.
- 0000757: [app-content-filter - Content Filter] Unselecting all phraselists or file extensions causes validation exception (user2) - closed.
- 0000756: [app-content-filter - Content Filter] Some configuration widgets redirect to an invalid edit page (user2) - closed.
- 0000752: [clearos-framework] Finish support for translator mode (user2) - closed.
- 0000712: [app-software-repository - Software Repository] Private repositories cannot be toggled...remove toggle button (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000730: [app-base - Base System] Add more informational methods to the Stats class (timb80) - closed.
- 0000748: [app-base - Base System] Add webconfig restart via clearsync (user2) - closed.
- 0000744: [app-base - Base System] Add phpMyAdmin to clearos-epel blacklist (user2) - closed.
- 0000681: [app-syswatch - System Watch] Missing /usr/sbin/getip script prevents dynamic DNS updates for external interfaces configured with local IP (user2) - closed.
- 0000733: [app-network - Network Settings] Improve route detection with point-to-point connections (user2) - closed.
- 0000705: [app-openvpn - OpenVPN] OpenVPN app should pull in User Certificates App (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000725: [app-zarafa - Zarafa Engine] Zarafa Server daemon doesn't start - user login sees "Unable to connect to Zarafa server" (user2) - closed.
- 0000731: [theme-default] List tables having 2 or more buttons in header do not align (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000698: [app-samba - Windows Networking] Samba workgroup/domain does not allow underscore (user2) - closed.
- 0000728: [clearos-framework] Update core jquery library (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000727: [theme-default] Clean up inline jquery changes (bchambers) - closed.
- 0000701: [app-reports - Report Engine] Update database and base reports tools (user2) - closed.
- 0000695: [theme-default] Enhance chart widgets for new reporting tools (user2) - closed.
- 0000677: [app-registration - System Registration] Registration status can become out of sync with SDN (bchambers) - closed.

[53 issues]