ClearOS Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000640ClearOSapp-base - Base Systempublic2012-06-08 14:312013-04-26 19:41
Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritytweakReproducibilityunable to reproduce
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version6.4.0 Beta 2Fixed in Version 
Summary0000640: Add a warning for IE 8 or earlier
DescriptionClearOS webconfig uses modern and (ahem) standard styling. The look and feel in IE8 is usable, but not pretty. Add a warning. IE7 and (gasp) earlier should be blocked completely (not usable anyway).
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
2013-02-18 18:04

A handful of webconfig pages (notably, the content filter's "you have been blocked" page) should not be blocked due to IE usage. For this reason, the User Agent check was moved to the login page.
2013-02-18 18:05

Source Code Changelog
- Added Internet Explorer version warnings [fixed tracker 0000640]

File Changes
Details: [^]
U webconfig/apps/base/trunk/controllers/session.php
U webconfig/apps/base/trunk/language/en_US/base_lang.php
A webconfig/apps/base/trunk/views/session/ie_warning.php

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-06-08 14:31 user2 New Issue
2012-06-08 14:33 user2 Status new => confirmed
2012-06-21 19:12 user2 Target Version 6.3.0 Beta 1 => 6.3.0
2012-07-03 08:03 user2 Target Version 6.3.0 => 6.4.0 Alpha 1
2012-12-06 12:35 user2 Target Version 6.4.0 Alpha 1 => 6.4.0 Beta 1
2012-12-21 09:33 user2 Target Version 6.4.0 Beta 1 => 6.4.0 Beta 2
2013-02-18 18:01 user2 Category theme-default => app-base - Base System
2013-02-18 18:04 user2 Note Added: 0000715
2013-02-18 18:05 user2 Checkin
2013-02-18 18:05 user2 Note Added: 0000716
2013-02-18 18:05 user2 Status confirmed => resolved
2013-02-18 18:05 user2 Resolution open => fixed
2013-04-26 19:41 user2 Status resolved => closed