SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 5

ClearOS Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000021ClearOSapp-samba - Windows Networkingpublic2010-01-22 08:482011-02-08 15:56
Assigned Touser2 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version5.2Fixed in Version5.2 
Summary0000021: Allow Samba 4 to better co-exist on a ClearOS system
DescriptionThe current Samba 4 alpha build can only run on a barebones ClearOS 5.1 system. As soon as any user-dependent application is installed (mail, proxy, VPN, web server, ... i.e. a good chunk of the modules) ClearOS will pull in Samba 3 LDAP components. That creates a Samba 3 / Samba 4 conflict -- not good. However, with just a little bit of tweaking, it should be possible to remove or "hide" (for lack of a better word) the Samba 3 LDAP dependencies. This will make it possible to install *most* of the features in ClearOS right along with Samba 4.

Samba 4 testing documentation: [^]
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Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
2010-05-11 12:33
edited on: 2010-08-18 15:11

Source Code Changelog
- Removed Samba bootstrap [tracker 0000021]

File Changes
U legacy/webconfig/trunk/htdocs/admin/ldap.php

2010-05-12 14:36
edited on: 2010-08-18 15:12

Source Code Changelog
- Changed packaging to allow Samba 4 to co-exist [tracker 0000021]

File Changes
U legacy/modules/trunk/app-samba-api/
U legacy/modules/trunk/app-samba-api/upgrade

2010-05-12 14:37
edited on: 2010-08-18 15:12

Source Code Changelog
- Removed Samba hooks [tracker 0000021]

File Changes
U legacy/modules/trunk/app-users/usersetup

2010-05-19 10:30
edited on: 2010-08-18 15:12

Source Code Changelog
- Re-add some initialzation of Samba if available [tracker 0000021]

File Changes
U legacy/modules/trunk/app-ldap/ldapsetup

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-01-22 08:48 user2 New Issue
2010-01-22 08:48 user2 Status new => assigned
2010-01-22 08:48 user2 Assigned To => user2
2010-05-11 12:33 user2 Checkin
2010-05-11 12:33 user2 Note Added: 0000108
2010-05-12 14:36 user2 Checkin
2010-05-12 14:36 user2 Note Added: 0000114
2010-05-12 14:37 user2 Checkin
2010-05-12 14:37 user2 Note Added: 0000115
2010-05-12 14:43 user2 Status assigned => resolved
2010-05-12 14:43 user2 Fixed in Version => 5.2
2010-05-12 14:43 user2 Resolution open => fixed
2010-05-19 10:30 user2 Checkin
2010-05-19 10:30 user2 Note Added: 0000124
2010-07-05 18:40 user2 Status resolved => closed
2010-08-18 15:11 user2 Note Edited: 0000108
2010-08-18 15:12 user2 Note Edited: 0000114
2010-08-18 15:12 user2 Note Edited: 0000115
2010-08-18 15:12 user2 Note Edited: 0000124
2011-02-08 15:56 user2 Category Windows Networking - Directory Services => app-samba - Windows Networking

SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 7