SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 5

ClearOS Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0014111ClearOSapp-flexshare - Flexsharespublic2017-03-29 09:032020-03-26 11:00
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PrioritynormalSeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0014111: Improve handling for FTP clients on non-enabled shares
DescriptionWhen someone uses FTP to upload to a Flexshare/web site, they can get a listing of all shares including those shares without FTP enabled. Ideally, any share that does not have FTP enabled should be hidden.

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-  Notes
NickH (developer)
2020-03-26 11:00

This appears to be working with the "HideNoAccess on" and "IgnoreHidden on" directives.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-03-29 09:03 user2 New Issue
2017-03-29 09:03 user2 Status new => confirmed
2020-03-26 11:00 NickH Note Added: 0013571
2020-03-26 11:00 NickH Status confirmed => closed
2020-03-26 11:00 NickH Resolution open => fixed

SYSTEM WARNING: 'file_get_contents( failed to open stream: Connection refused' in '/var/www/virtual/newwrapper/' line 7