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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001156ClearOSapp-mail-routing - Mail Routingpublic2013-05-23 14:422013-07-17 12:44
Assigned Tobchambers 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version6.4.0 
Target Version6.4.0 UpdatesFixed in Version 
Summary0001156: Provide hooks for mail archiving app
DescriptionMail archiving in 6.x uses flat files instead of fetching messages from IMAP server (like in 5.x).

Mail routing libraries need hooks to copy optionally archive messages if mail archive is installed and enabled.

Something like this:

if (file_exists('/var/clearos/mail_archive/enabled'))
  copy($this->_tmpfile, '/var/clearos/mail_archive/messages/' . preg_replace(array('/^</', '/>$/'), array('', ''), $this->_id));
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- Relationships

-  Notes
bchambers (administrator)
2013-05-23 14:49

Source Code Changelog
- Fixed Message-ID parsing bug [fixed tracker 0001154]
- Added hooks for mail archive app [fixed tracker 0001156]

File Changes
Details: [^]
U webconfig/apps/mail_routing/trunk/deploy/info.php
U webconfig/apps/mail_routing/trunk/libraries/Filter_Content.php
U webconfig/apps/mail_routing/trunk/libraries/Filter_Incoming.php
U webconfig/apps/mail_routing/trunk/packaging/app-mail-routing.spec

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-05-23 14:42 bchambers New Issue
2013-05-23 14:42 bchambers Status new => assigned
2013-05-23 14:42 bchambers Assigned To => bchambers
2013-05-23 14:49 bchambers Checkin
2013-05-23 14:49 bchambers Note Added: 0000859
2013-05-23 14:49 bchambers Status assigned => resolved
2013-05-23 14:49 bchambers Resolution open => fixed
2013-07-17 12:44 user2 Status resolved => closed