ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0006051ClearOSapp-raid - RAID Managerpublic2015-11-11 12:042021-06-07 07:25
normalminorhave not tried
closedwon't fix 
0006051: raid-notification script generating backtrace
Investigate issue reported in the forums - [^]

I am seeing this in the system log every time the notification Cron job runs:

engine: exception: error: /usr/clearos/apps/base/libraries/Shell.php (207): 0000015 #015Error: /dev/md1: unrecognised disk label
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/storage/libraries/Storage_Device.php (461): execute
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/storage/libraries/Storage_Device.php (820): get_partition_info
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/storage/libraries/Storage_Device.php (346): _scan
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/raid/libraries/Raid.php (737): get_devices
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/raid/controllers/software.php (220): get_arrays
engine: exception: debug backtrace: GUI (0): get_state
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/framework/system/core/CodeIgniter.php (359): call_user_func_array
engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/framework/htdocs/app/index.php (222): require_once

Clears 6.6
"0 5 * * * root /usr/sbin/raid-notification >/dev/NULL 2>&1"

The RAID1 is clean and are not seeing any issues to indicate otherwise, /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 are both valid.

The web GUI does not appear to completely update or disable the monitoring and notification options on save.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2015-11-11 12:04user2New Issue
2015-11-11 12:05user2Statusnew => confirmed
2021-06-07 07:25NickHNote Added: 0015761
2021-06-07 07:25NickHStatusconfirmed => closed
2021-06-07 07:25NickHResolutionopen => won't fix

2021-06-07 07:25   