ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0009361ClearOSapp-samba - Windows Networkingpublic2016-06-21 12:292017-01-11 10:36
6.8.0 Updates6.8.0 Updates 
0009361: NT4-style domains required 'server max protocol' for Windows 10 support
The parameter 'server max protocol' should be set in smb.conf for all Windows Networking (not samba directory) config files. The full parameter is:

server max protocol = NT1

See the updates to the following for more details: [^]

Also see, [^]
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related to 0009251closed user2 NT4-style domains required 'server max protocol' for Windows 10 support 
related to 0012171closed user2 NT4-style domains required 'server max protocol' for Windows 10 support 
Issue History
2016-06-21 12:29user2New Issue
2016-06-21 12:29user2Issue generated from: 0009251
2016-06-21 12:29user2Relationship addedrelated to 0009251
2016-07-06 10:34user2Target Version6.8.0 Beta 1 => 6.8.0 Updates
2016-07-06 10:35user2Statusnew => confirmed
2017-01-03 10:40user2Issue cloned: 0012171
2017-01-03 10:40user2Relationship addedrelated to 0012171
2017-01-03 10:41user2Statusconfirmed => resolved
2017-01-03 10:41user2Fixed in Version => 6.8.0 Updates
2017-01-03 10:41user2Resolutionopen => fixed
2017-01-03 10:41user2Assigned To => user2
2017-01-11 10:36user2Statusresolved => closed

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