ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0000450ClearOSapp-upstream-proxy - Upstream Proxypublic2012-03-01 15:002013-02-02 12:31
6.4.0 Alpha 16.4.0 Alpha 1 
0000450: Add support for upstream proxies
In some cases, ClearOS will be sitting behind a non-transparent proxy. The following environment variables are supported by many command line applications and can be set in /etc/profile.d/ (or similiar):

export ftp_proxy="" [^]
export http_proxy="" [^]
export https_proxy="" [^]
export no_proxy="localhost,,system,.clearos.lan,"

The "no_proxy" option should be set by the "clearsync" event system. This will change the option based on network configuration / roles configured by the administrator. Like all clearsync implementations, it should be possible to easily disable the automagic. Clearsync info @ [^]
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related to 0000449closed user2 Add support for upstream proxies 
related to 0000451closed user2 Add support for upstream proxies 
related to 0000452closed  Add support for upstream proxies 
Issue History
2012-03-01 15:00user2New Issue
2012-03-01 15:00user2Relationship addedrelated to 0000449
2012-03-01 15:03user2Statusnew => confirmed
2012-03-01 15:08user2Relationship addedchild of 0000451
2012-03-01 15:14user2Relationship addedchild of 0000452
2012-03-21 08:35user2Relationship deletedchild of 0000451
2012-03-21 08:35user2Relationship addedrelated to 0000451
2012-03-21 08:37user2Relationship deletedchild of 0000452
2012-03-21 08:38user2Relationship addedrelated to 0000452
2012-06-22 09:19user2Target Version6.3.0 Beta 1 => 6.3.0
2012-07-03 08:03user2Target Version6.3.0 => 6.4.0 Alpha 1
2012-11-16 20:50user2Categoryapp-network - Network Settings => app-upstream-proxy - Upstream Proxy
2012-11-16 20:56user2Statusconfirmed => resolved
2012-11-16 20:56user2Fixed in Version => 6.4.0 Alpha 1
2012-11-16 20:56user2Resolutionopen => fixed
2012-11-16 20:56user2Assigned To => user2
2013-02-02 12:31user2Statusresolved => closed

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