ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0022801ClearOSapp-openvpn - OpenVPNpublic2019-01-22 07:302019-02-22 23:31
7.6.0 Updates 
7.6.0 Updates 
0022801: Rename the ca-cert.pem file when downloaded for a client
Currently the CA gets downloaded by the user as ca-cert.pem. If the user were a sysadmin or partner who had OpenVPN access to more than one server then he would need multiple ca-cert.pem files.

In Windows this causes a problem if you put all your ovpn profiles in C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config (but not if you import them into “%USERPROFILE%\OpenVPN\config” where they go in separate folders).

We could make this much easier by downloading the ca-cert.pem file as something like {server_name}.ca-cert.pem and adjusting the ovpn profile file accordingly.

The issue would be obsoleted if 0017381 were implemented.
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related to 0017381closed dloper Add certificate, key, and ca to ovpn file. 
Issue History
2019-01-22 07:30NickHNew Issue
2019-01-22 07:32NickHRelationship addedrelated to 0017381
2019-01-22 07:32NickHCategoryapp-openvpn-plugin - OpenVPN Plugin => app-openvpn - OpenVPN
2019-01-28 05:50NickHSummaryRename the ca-cert.pem file wnen downloaded for a client => Rename the ca-cert.pem file when downloaded for a client
2019-02-22 23:31dloperNote Added: 0009061
2019-02-22 23:31dloperStatusnew => closed
2019-02-22 23:31dloperAssigned To => dloper
2019-02-22 23:31dloperResolutionopen => suspended

2019-02-22 23:31   
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