ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
View Issue Details
0002210ClearOSapp-network - Network Settingspublic2015-02-20 11:242015-02-24 13:24
normalcrashhave not tried
6.6.0 Updates6.6.0 Updates 
0002210: Remove duplicates in Iface_Manager->_get_most_trusted()
The "network --get-lan-ips" command is used when the LDAP server is set to listen on LAN IPs. If both an external and LAN interface are defined, duplicates appear and LDAP gets unhappy.
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related to 0002217closed user2 Remove duplicates in Iface_Manager->_get_most_trusted() 
Issue History
2015-02-20 11:24user2New Issue
2015-02-20 11:24user2Statusnew => confirmed
2015-02-24 13:19user2Issue cloned: 0002217
2015-02-24 13:19user2Relationship addedrelated to 0002217
2015-02-24 13:24user2Statusconfirmed => resolved
2015-02-24 13:24user2Fixed in Version => 6.6.0 Updates
2015-02-24 13:24user2Resolutionopen => fixed
2015-02-24 13:24user2Assigned To => user2
2015-02-24 13:24user2Statusresolved => closed
2015-02-24 13:24user2Assigned Touser2 =>

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