ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
View Issue Details
0002204ClearOSapp-openvpn - OpenVPNpublic2015-02-18 10:312020-03-27 08:00
normalminorhave not tried
closedwon't fix 
0002204: Separate end-user configuration file access from app-user-certificates
For security reasons, user certificates are only available on the master directory node. For this reason, the "user certificates" app on a slave node does not really apply and only shows a warning message. Unfortunately, this makes access to the OpenVPN configuration on a slave node unavailable.

OpenVPN should get a separate webconfig page for end users instead of piggy backing on app-user-certificates.
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Issue History
2015-02-18 10:31user2New Issue
2015-02-18 10:31user2Issue generated from: 0002203
2015-02-18 10:34user2Statusnew => confirmed
2015-05-21 03:32user2Target Version6.6.0 Updates =>
2020-03-27 08:00NickHNote Added: 0013641
2020-03-27 08:00NickHStatusconfirmed => closed
2020-03-27 08:00NickHResolutionopen => won't fix

2020-03-27 08:00   
This fos for ClearOS v6