ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
View Issue Details
0002082ClearOSapp-base - Base Systempublic2014-12-22 13:132015-07-30 09:01
normalminorhave not tried
7.1.0 Beta 27.1.0 Beta 2 
0002082: Remove search from non-wheel account views
The new "Search" tool needs to be more access control aware. For the first public release, disable the feature for non-wheel accounts.
No tags attached.
related to 0002083closed  Update search to be access control aware. 
Issue History
2014-12-22 13:13user2New Issue
2014-12-22 13:13user2Issue cloned: 0002083
2014-12-22 13:13user2Relationship addedrelated to 0002083
2014-12-22 17:43bchambersAssigned To => bchambers
2014-12-22 17:43bchambersStatusnew => assigned
2014-12-22 18:22user2Note Added: 0001325
2014-12-22 18:22user2Target Version7.0.0 Alpha 2 => 7.1.0 Beta 2
2015-05-28 20:39user2Statusassigned => resolved
2015-05-28 20:39user2Resolutionopen => fixed
2015-05-29 13:59user2Statusresolved => closed
2015-07-30 09:01user2Fixed in Version => 7.1.0 Beta 2

2014-12-22 18:22   
Ooops. Version target is beta 2, not beta 1.