ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0017611ClearOSapp-incoming-firewall - Incoming Firewallpublic2017-10-23 14:362021-11-10 08:06
7.4.0 Beta 1 
0017611: Simplify Incoming FTP and FTPS firewall rules to enhance usability
When you open the incoming firewall to the FTP service, one action creates 2 rules, one for tcp:20 and one for tcp:21. Similarly for FTPS you get two rules tcp:989 and tcp:990. This is potentially confusing for the user because adding one service means, if he no longer wants it, he needs to remove two rules. Can this be simplified like it is with Passive FTP where it opens tcp:60000:60999 rather than 1000 individual rules? Deleting the rule means pushing just one button.
For FTP we could similarly do tcp20:21 and for FTPS, tcp:989:990
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Issue History
2017-10-23 14:36NickHNew Issue
2017-11-08 07:52user2Statusnew => acknowledged
2021-11-10 08:06NickHStatusacknowledged => closed
2021-11-10 08:06NickHAssigned To => NickH
2021-11-10 08:06NickHResolutionopen => fixed

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