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0001721ClearOSapp-openldap-directory - Directory Serverpublic2014-05-27 14:122020-05-14 08:57
normalminorhave not tried
0001721: Changing Directory Server Base Domain stopped OpenVPN from routing
I changed my Base Domain in the Directory Server part of the webconfig and since then it appears that I could no longer route from the LAN to a remote OpenVPN user, but I could route from the server to the OpenVPN user. A tracert from a LAN PC died at the server. Restarting OpenVPN, the firewall, the PC's at either end and the server all did nothing. It all started magically working when I ran /usr/clearos/apps/openvpn/deploy/syncaction. I presume this should have been done as a result of the Base Domain change.

P.S. This base domain change has been a bit of a bugger and I suggest it needs revisiting. I've no idea what else has been broken yet.

Sorry for not trying to reproduce but I've been struggling to get the server fully working.
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Issue History
2014-05-27 14:12NickHNew Issue
2014-05-27 14:15NickHNote Added: 0001185
2014-05-28 01:43NickHNote Added: 0001186
2014-05-28 07:33user2Statusnew => acknowledged
2020-05-14 08:57NickHNote Added: 0014321
2020-05-14 08:57NickHStatusacknowledged => closed
2020-05-14 08:57NickHResolutionopen => suspended

2014-05-27 14:15   
And I forgot to mention that the syncaction fails if clients-tcp.conf is missing (I rename it to reduce the number of processes running)
2014-05-28 01:43   
Just to clarify. Both clients.conf and clients-tcp.conf existed when I changed domain name so it is not the syncaction falling over. It just is not called. I removed clients-tcp.conf before I ran the syncaction job manually and this is where it fell over with an Untrapped Error message. Adding back in the clients-tcp.conf allowed the sync action to complete and Client-LAN communication was restored.
2020-05-14 08:57   
Migrated to [^]