ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0000172ClearOSapp-content-filter - Content Filterpublic2010-10-12 19:462012-04-18 19:39
6.2.0 Beta 36.2.0 Beta 3 
0000172: Remove custom report (template) option from configuration
The "Reporting Level" option on the content filter page offers a choice of "Custom Report" (i.e. templates). This option is confusing since it seems possible to create a custom report in webconfig, but in reality these reports can only be done via the command line environment.

Only show "Custom Report" if it is set in the configuration.
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Issue History
2010-10-12 19:46user2New Issue
2010-10-12 20:02user2Statusnew => confirmed
2011-12-07 14:36user2Statusconfirmed => resolved
2011-12-07 14:36user2Fixed in Version => 6.1 Beta 3
2011-12-14 11:42user2Target Version6.1 Future => 6.1 Beta 3
2012-04-18 19:39user2Statusresolved => closed

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