Notes |
As of 2014-04-10, with the clearos-updates-testing repo, and thus the recent overhauled "Web Server" engine, .htaccess is not taken into account.
Thanks! |
As of 2014-05-21, using the Tiki app installer of CO 6.6 Beta via:
yum --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing install app-tiki
.htaccess is not taken into account. Visiting a returns:
Not Found
The requested URL /var/clearos/tiki/webroot/live/route.php was not found on this server.
Also, tiki-check.php reports "Your RewriteBase is not set correctly in .htaccess. Search Engine Friendly URLs are not going to work like that. It should be set to "/tiki"."
On a related note:
PHP 5.5 / PHP 5.6 : what is the best way to get on ClearOS 6.x ?,com_kunena/Itemid,232/catid,17/func,view/id,61167/limit,10/limitstart,10/#61721 [^]
Thanks! |
Today, on a fresh install of Tiki via yum install app-tiki on ClearOS 6.6 beta 1, I configured the system to install Tiki at the root of the system (in this case a subdomain), and the .htaccess is taken into account. Great!
It's really nice that we are not forced to install on a subdomain or subdirectory.
The rest is more for another ticket, but just writing notes here until I open it:
* Tiki authentication via OpenLDAP is broken in 12.0, but fixed in 12.2, so can be tested when we upgrade.
* Since the DB schema changed a bit between 12.0 and 12.2, the following command needs to be run: php console.php database:update
Thanks!! |
2014-06-02 13:32
Since users may have already customized the httpd.conf, this fix will only be applied to:
- new installs
- old installs using the default configuration
If you have customized your httpd.conf file, please review the <Directory "/var/www/html"> section in httpd.conf. |