ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearCenter
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0001530ClearCenteryum-marketplace-pluginpublic2014-01-22 16:432018-12-15 09:00
0001530: wc-yum clutters logs with errors if an update is not found
wc-yum -i is dual-use...install and upgrade. If upgrading a package (eg. ClearCenter software updates on cron job), the log file becomes cluttered with:

Jan 19 05:41:15 chambers engine: exception: error: /usr/clearos/apps/base/libraries/Shell.php (207): {"progress": 0, "code": 0, "overall": 0, "details": "Fetching repos
itories.", "errmsg": null}
Jan 19 05:41:15 chambers engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/clearcenter/libraries/Marketplace_Yum.php (131): execute
Jan 19 05:41:15 chambers engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/clearos/apps/clearcenter/libraries/Application_Web_Service.php (152): install
Jan 19 05:41:15 chambers engine: exception: debug backtrace: /usr/sbin/clearcenter-update (79): install_update
Jan 19 06:34:03 chambers app-intrusion-protection-updates: Service is up-to-date.

if no update is found. Should exit (code 0) gracefully so exception is not thrown.
End of wcYumHelper suggested fix:


if len(self.tsInfo) > 0:
    self.processTransaction(None, None, wcProgressCallback(len(self.tsInfo)))
    status['details'] = 'Installation complete.'
    status['progress'] = 100
    status['details'] = 'No packages to update or install.'
status['overall'] = 100
print json.dumps(status)
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Issue History
2014-01-22 16:43bchambersNew Issue
2014-01-22 16:43bchambersStatusnew => assigned
2014-01-22 16:43bchambersAssigned To => dsokoloski
2017-05-08 12:02user2Assigned Todsokoloski => slords
2017-05-08 15:01slordsNote Added: 0005591
2017-05-08 16:42dloperAssigned Toslords => user2
2017-05-08 16:43dloperStatusassigned => feedback
2017-05-08 19:03bchambersNote Added: 0005601
2017-05-08 19:03bchambersStatusfeedback => assigned
2018-12-15 09:00user2Assigned Touser2 => tracker

2017-05-08 15:01   
I don't see anything that points to yum-marketplace-plugin in this report. The fact that Marketplace_Yum.php is referenced might be why this is incorrectly assigned. If there is in fact an issue with yum-marketplace-plugin please provide evidence collected showing this fact.
2017-05-08 19:03   
The referenced python code is in /usr/sbin/wc-yum, not the plugin. Darryl's probably the right guy for this.