ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
View Issue Details
0001509ClearOSapp-web-acl - Web Access Controlpublic2014-01-09 08:552014-01-21 07:48
6.5.0 Updates6.5.0 Updates 
0001509: Web proxy dies if Web ACL using Group based identification is configured
When configured, authentication dialog pops up...after entering credentials, the browser warns prxy is unavailable. Log file:

2014/01/09 10:37:44| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/5 'squid_unix_group' processes
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 70 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 71 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| ipcCreate: Failed to create child FD.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/lib64/squid/squid_unix_group' process.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 72 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 73 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| ipcCreate: Failed to create child FD.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/lib64/squid/squid_unix_group' process.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 74 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 75 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| ipcCreate: Failed to create child FD.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/lib64/squid/squid_unix_group' process.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 76 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 77 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| ipcCreate: Failed to create child FD.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/lib64/squid/squid_unix_group' process.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 78 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 79 to [::1]: (99) Cannot assign requested address
2014/01/09 10:37:44| ipcCreate: Failed to create child FD.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/lib64/squid/squid_unix_group' process.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| Accepting HTTP connections at, FD 81.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| Accepting HTTP connections at, FD 82.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| HTCP Disabled.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| Loaded Icons.
2014/01/09 10:37:44| Ready to serve requests.
2014/01/09 10:37:58| externalAclLookup: 'system_group' queue overload (ch=0x7fadbebf9cf8)
2014/01/09 10:40:04| externalAclLookup: 'system_group' queue overload (ch=0x7fadbebf9cf8)
2014/01/09 10:41:22| externalAclLookup: 'system_group' queue overload (ch=0x7fadbebf9cf8)
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Issue History
2014-01-09 08:55bchambersNew Issue
2014-01-09 09:30bchambersNote Added: 0001126
2014-01-10 08:59bchambersCheckin
2014-01-10 08:59bchambersNote Added: 0001127
2014-01-10 08:59bchambersStatusnew => resolved
2014-01-10 08:59bchambersResolutionopen => fixed
2014-01-21 07:48bchambersStatusresolved => closed
2014-01-21 07:48bchambersFixed in Version => 6.5.0 Updates
2014-01-21 07:48bchambersDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=108#r108

2014-01-09 09:30   
Seems helper is trying to use ipv6 and must specifically be set to use ipv4, as per: [^]

Changing Squid.php library line 875:

$lines .= "external_acl_type system_group %LOGIN $this->file_squid_unix_group -p\n";
$lines .= "external_acl_type system_group ipv4 %LOGIN $this->file_squid_unix_group -p\n";

Solves the issue.
2014-01-10 08:59   
Source Code Changelog
- Fixed group-based authentication [fixed tracker 0001509]

File Changes
Details: [^]
U webconfig/apps/web_proxy/trunk/deploy/info.php
U webconfig/apps/web_proxy/trunk/libraries/Squid.php
U webconfig/apps/web_proxy/trunk/packaging/app-web-proxy.spec