ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0013621ClearOSapp-firewall - Firewallpublic2017-03-09 19:082020-03-05 04:40
normaltweakhave not tried
closedwon't fix 
0013621: Detect when IMQ support is not available
The firewall should avoid trying to run QoS if the underlying kernel does not support it. Scenarios:

- When a customer runs a vanilla upstream kernel in order to take advantage of custom drivers

- Cloud installs, e.g. Linode
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related to 0013351closed user2 Upstream update - kernel 
Issue History
2017-03-09 19:08user2New Issue
2017-03-09 19:08user2Assigned To => user2
2017-03-09 19:08user2Statusnew => confirmed
2017-03-10 01:20NickHNote Added: 0005031
2017-03-10 07:17user2Note Added: 0005041
2017-03-10 07:29user2Note Added: 0005051
2017-03-10 07:34user2Relationship addedrelated to 0013351
2018-12-14 12:11user2Statusconfirmed => assigned
2018-12-14 12:11user2Assigned Touser2 => tracker
2020-03-05 04:40NickHNote Added: 0013401
2020-03-05 04:40NickHStatusassigned => closed
2020-03-05 04:40NickHAssigned Totracker =>
2020-03-05 04:40NickHResolutionopen => won't fix

2017-03-10 01:20   
I think this is missing the issue, but is a good idea anyway.

The issue is that an el7 kernel (vanilla kernel) has made its way through to the repos and has replaced a proper ClearOS kernel. Mine arrived on 23/02 via the nightly updates on Business. This should never happen. El7 kernels should never get released into the standard repos. The real bug is that an el7 kernel has been released and the real fix is to rush through a v7 kernel to replace the el7 kernel. This bug would only help in the case that a mistake with the kernels was made again in the future.
2017-03-10 07:17   
I'll push through the kernel update. The real real issue is the architecture of the repos and the added complexity in ClearOS 7. We went from a two repo system (free and paid) to a 5 repo system (don't ask).

On it.
2017-03-10 07:29   
I see the issue, definitely human error (and mine). The current ClearOS 7 build system architecture has a few gaps in separating minor releases, notably in the ClearOS maintained CentOS and EPEL repos. These repose are manually maintained in a separate silo, but will be re-integrated back into the build system for version 7.4.
2020-03-05 04:40   
We have abandoned the IMQ patch now and use a vanilla upstream kernel. QoS has switched to using IFB.