ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
View Issue Details
0013171ClearOSapp-process-viewer - Process Viewerpublic2017-02-21 12:412019-06-13 04:58
7.3.0 Beta 1 
0013171: List expand/contract doesn't work properly
Check the expand feature against this app to see if it fails to list
A refresh of the page with the setting already on fixes it.
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Issue History
2017-02-21 12:41dloperNew Issue
2017-02-21 12:43user2Target Version7.3.1 => 7.3.1 Updates
2017-02-21 12:51user2Statusnew => confirmed
2017-02-21 12:51bchambersAssigned To => bchambers
2017-02-21 12:51bchambersStatusconfirmed => assigned
2017-08-11 12:19dloperTarget Version7.3.1 Updates => 7.4.0 Updates
2018-02-12 10:09user2Target Version7.4.0 Updates =>
2019-06-13 04:58NickHStatusassigned => closed
2019-06-13 04:58NickHAssigned Tobchambers =>
2019-06-13 04:58NickHResolutionopen => fixed

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