2010-08-26 15:03
From David Loper - ClearFoundation Developer:
One of the basic things that we consider for ClearOS is interoperability. This is key to all of the innovation and design. It would seem that using UID for the DN like Novell eDir does it, OpenDS, Banyan Vines, and a host of other directories do it should be the way to go. Why then would we choose to use the Microsoft and OpenLDAP method. For those who don't have an AD environment let me show you a user record from Active Directory:
# Test User, Users, clearos.lan
dn: CN=Test User,CN=Users,DC=clearos,DC=lan
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: Test User
sn: User
givenName: Test
distinguishedName: CN=Test User,CN=Users,DC=clearos,DC=lan
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20100818193840.0Z
whenChanged: 20100818234945.0Z
displayName: Test User
uSNCreated: 13967
memberOf: CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=clearos,DC=lan
uSNChanged: 13985
name: Test User
objectGUID:: fU3cqIct1Eu+Doppki0BMg==
userAccountControl: 66048
badPwdCount: 8
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
badPasswordTime: 129268865011588750
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 129268077974941250
pwdLastSet: 129266482930322500
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAYkr3psLu7qn0zF7bWwQAAA==
adminCount: 1
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
logonCount: 3
sAMAccountName: tuser
sAMAccountType: 805306368
userPrincipalName: tuser@clearos.lan
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=clearos,DC=lan
Samba is an integral part of ClearOS. It works a lot like NT4.0 but on steroids. It is not quite AD and yet it is far more than NT4.0. The move of Samba from the smbpasswd to LDAP was the one of the key technical pieces between CC 4.3 and 5.0. In designing the directory, great care was used to make sure that the structure of LDAP would correctly handle samba. To do this we mimic much of the bare requirements of Active Directory to ensure that in the future people could not only interoperate, but also potentially migrate to Samba 4.
ClearOS has a number of services that all use UID or other attribute primarily for authentication. This includes Postfix, Samba, ProFTPD, SSH, Apache, OpenVPN, PPTPd, and others. All of these connect to COS LDAP and all of them do NOT use the DN for authentication if they did the user would have to use CN=Test User,CN=Users,DC=clearos,DC=lan for his username. It is very likely that the DN has nothing to do with the troubles you are having but rather your application is pulling the CN attribute rather than the uid attribute. (you stated that you could log in as 'Stuart Naylor' which value is NOT 'cn=Stuart Naylor,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=clearos,dc=lan')
For instance, if I was this user:
# Test User, Users, Accounts, clearos.lan
dn: cn=Bob is your uncle,ou=Users,ou=Accounts,dc=clearos,dc=lan
uid: tuser
cn: Test User
I would still need to log in as 'tuser' regardless of the application. Any other required login would represent a misconfiguration of the service and how it pulls authentication from LDAP.
PGINA will have instructions on how to connect it to directories other than Active Directory. The reasons are obvious because if you want to connect a workstation to AD then you do so with the Professional version. Very likely it is pulling the CN attribute and not UID.
To your point about changing a User's Name. You run into that very problem on all the time. COS is really good about changing a users 'aesthetic' names. This includes the DN, givenName, SN and CN. If someone goes through their name change (religious or otherwise) we can change those names and it does NOT adversely affect the user except at the UID (username)...that does NOT change yet on COS cause it breaks stuff like home directories, permissions, and other things both on ClearOS and on the workstation.
So the short answer is that if we change it from CN to UID for the DN then we fix it for everyone using PGina to connect to ClearOS and break it for everyone using Domain Membership.
Lastly, CN is more widely recognized by various schemas and objectclasses than is UID. For instance RFC 2256 which describes the 'person' object class, does not recognize UID. |