ClearFoundation Tracker - ClearOS
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0011521ClearOSapp-intrusion-detection - Intrusion Detectionpublic2016-12-12 05:562021-06-08 05:01
0011521: Remove RBN rules from Intrusion Prevention updates
The RBN rules were deprecated by Emerging Threats a long time ago and the last active maintenance of the rules was in 2012. For this reason ET stopped maintain the rules. They provide an empty file just so automatic scripts which include rbn.rules don’t fall over trying to load a non-existent file. It looks silly in the Webconfig to have a checkbox option for the RBN rules which says 0 rules in it. The webconfig needs to be updates. At this point the rbn.rules file (and rbn-malvertisers.rules file) can be removed from the download.
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Issue History
2016-12-12 05:56NickHNew Issue
2016-12-12 09:14user2Assigned To => user2
2016-12-12 09:14user2Statusnew => confirmed
2016-12-12 09:19user2Note Added: 0004311
2016-12-12 10:47user2Target Version => 7.3.1 Updates
2016-12-12 10:48user2Note Added: 0004321
2016-12-12 10:59NickHNote Added: 0004331
2017-08-11 12:28dloperTarget Version7.3.1 Updates =>
2018-12-14 12:10user2Statusconfirmed => assigned
2018-12-14 12:10user2Assigned Touser2 => tracker
2021-06-08 05:01NickHNote Added: 0015871
2021-06-08 05:01NickHStatusassigned => closed
2021-06-08 05:01NickHAssigned Totracker =>
2021-06-08 05:01NickHResolutionopen => suspended

2016-12-12 09:18   
We need to add a pre-start cleanup script to catch deleted lists, or Snort will refuse to start up. This can occur on configuration restores or just command line copying from one server to another one. We did this for the content filter blacklists (/usr/sbin/dansguardian-cleanup runs before DansGuardian is started via systemd), and we need to do the same for Snort.

Yes, a long overdue bit of cleanup.
2016-12-12 10:48   
We'll be doing a full audit for these rules as part of Netify's Malware implementation - [^] - in Q1 2017. That will be a good time to tackle this ClearOS tracker.
2016-12-12 10:59   
Please add virus.rules to this bug as that file is also effectively empty.
2021-06-08 05:01   
Migrated to [^]