2016-10-17 15:36
(edited on: 2016-10-17 15:38) |
test-recidive.conf in /etc/fail2ban/jail.d
enabled = true
maxretry = 3
bantime = 2419200 ; 4 week
findtime = 345600 ; 4 day
I also adjusted the bantimes in the other conf's to 86400 (1 day), so my find time in recidive is set to 4 days.
I am going to see how this works. Maybe adjust bantime to something longer like 12 weeks
The recidive filter in fail2ban, monitors the fail2ban log file. In this case my fail2ban bans ip's for 1 day. If the recidive filter finds 3 occurances in the fail2ban log it will ban it for 4 weeks.